Posted on 11/09/21

Are You A Grease Girl

It was not common for women to be under a car's hood. Grease stains on their faces, toolbelts fastened to their hips. This was once considered "man's work". Women have surpassed the limits of society and can now do all kinds of jobs, including auto mechanics.

CNN's report on Burkina Faso’s "Lady Mechanics” shows how this progress has spread throughout the globe. In the United States, "grease boys" are leading the change in how we view who should be driving a car's engine.

Women auto mechanics!

You can find women mechanics at your Jiffy Lube as well as managers at the nearby Auto Zone or at the raceway.

Most Americans are familiar with Danica Pat winning the Daytona Beach race in early 2012.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 12,000 of the 837,000 automotive service and repair technicians have been women since 1999. Wanda Arnold Barnett, Wake Forest, North Carolina, says that the industry changed after they added special features to automobiles such as alarms and computers onboard diagnostics. Also, when they began making hybrids and electric vehicles.

Barnett has been an auto mechanic for 17 years. She admits that she's faced some sexism, but she also says that her family often helped her learn the trade. Barnett isn't familiar with many female mechanics, but she has made friends online with other female mechanics. They even created a Facebook group called Female Mechanics.

Barnett said that men try to question you by asking you if you are sure that you understand what you're doing or if you need assistance with the '... But in my case, they are shocked that I know more than them. Men have a preconceived notion that cars are a man thing. They don't care if they're driving them or fixing them. Men love cars and have often formed a special bond with them.

Female Power

A mechanic's job is not something only men can do. Remember the World War 1 days when many women were forced to leave their homes in order to build the planes and boats that our soldiers needed to defend the country.

Lack of encouragement to enroll in training programs is one issue that could hinder women who want to enter the industry. However, there are a few obstacles for women who believe that being an auto mechanic is their calling.

Barnett says, "I would advise that you do it if it is something you are passionate about." It is a hard and dirty job but it can be very rewarding and fun. Don't let men intimidate your efforts because they will.

The world of mechanical work is not limited to automobiles. You can also get into the industry by serving in the military. Rena Smith, a modern-day Rosie The Riveter is an entrepreneur in aviation repair. She was born in East L.A.

Smith performed aviation repairs in Florida, Colorado, Montana, and elsewhere. "When it was busy, it was bustling. Smith said that Smith has done major completions, annuals, and 100/300 hrs inspections. He also did sheet metal repair and fuel cell replacement.

Smith was in Iraq from March 2009 to December 2009. She flew both civilian and military helicopters. Now, she's in Dubai. Smith said, "I like to know that I'm not alone in overcoming the gender barrier[s], dealing (men and women), with people (men or women) who can't see beyond their preconceived stereotypes and breaking down barriers to do what you love and want to do."

Now that we've shared some thoughts on women mechanics, you can get your free auto shipping quote