Posted on 09/07/22

6 Helpful Tips to Avoid Wildlife Car Collisions

Worldwide, wildlife-vehicle collisions seriously affect both animals and people. In the United States, there are an estimated 1 million collisions involving auto vehicles and animals each year. Over 2000 of these collisions cause driver casualties. Roads and highways often block or obstruct wildlife corridors, cutting off seasonal migration routes. Animals frequently find their way out of the forests and into residential streets, where they end in front of moving vehicles. The cost to animals is likewise high as it usually ends in death. This threatens their population stability. Here are six pointers to help you prevent accidents caused by animals.

1. Slow Down

One of the most frequent causes of car accidents is high speed. Speed impairs a driver's ability to steer clear of oncoming obstacles. Additionally, in the event of a collision, it increases the force of impact, which can result in significant bodily harm. Sadly, a lot of these collisions lead to fatalities.

When traveling through places with a large and active wildlife population, slow down and take additional caution. Give yourself extra room to brake If an animal darts into your path. Pay attention to the wildlife warning signs, which are yellow indicators in the shape of diamonds. Be aware that wildlife movement may increase during particular seasons, such as mating or hunting.

In the unfortunate event of a collision, immediately pull over and switch on your warning lights. If the animal has been struck and killed, you may take it off the road if you can do so. Any human injuries or damage that exceeds $1,000 must be reported. Hire a Houston car accident lawyer or any lawyer in your surrounding area to verify the settlement amount and terms for your auto accident claim.

2. Beware of Peak Wildlife Seasons

The likelihood of animal accidents with vehicles increases at certain seasons of the year. Early fall is when the mating season occurs. Animals like moose and deer are typically tracking smells, even if it means crossing busy roads. Spring is also a very active time for wildlife. Many animals are now traveling with their young ones, increasing the risk of collision.

Various animals also tend to be very active at dark and dawn. Deer are most active in the evenings and at night, when it is most difficult to see them. Drivers and passengers should keep a close eye on shining eyes which will be caused by the reflection of your headlights in the animal's eyes.

3. Drive Defensively

Defensive driving is being aware of your surroundings and planning for other road users' reactions, including any unexpected wildlife. You'll be safer the more mindful and present you are. In particular, you should always pay attention to your mirrors and the road.

Pay attention to any wildlife that may be present alongside the road. Drive your car toward the right outer edge of the road if the animal is coming from the right side of the street. The animal might be prompted to cross the road more quickly.

4. Understand Animal Behavior

In order to react appropriately and securely behind the wheel, understanding animal behavior might help humans foresee potential problems. An animal might dart out in front of your car even if it sees you coming. In addition, certain animals, like deer and bears or parents with their offspring, move in groups. Move slowly and be aware of any potential tag-a-longs.

5. Use Your Brights

High beams make it easier to spot wildlife in the dark. If there is no oncoming traffic, use your high beam to improve visibility. You will have enough time to move aside, slow down, or honk the horn to frighten the animal. Just remember to be considerate and switch them off if a car approaches from behind and is 500 feet or less away.

High beams are also helpful for seeing the reflecting eyes of some animals. However, Large animals like moles are tall and less likely to reflect light. This is because their eyes are typically above the beams of most car headlights.

6. Use the middle lane

Use the center lane whenever possible when driving on a multi-lane highway to give grazing animals a wide berth. You have more breathing room and a lower chance of running into an animal when driving in the center lane. It can sometimes only be a matter of a few inches or feet if you can escape colliding with an animal.

Closing Remark

While it's impossible to predict when a wild animal might haphazardly wander onto a busy street, you can help avoid wildlife car collisions by following these six helpful tips.